SIDKick Pico Commodore 64 and 128 (C64 / C128) – MOS SID 6581 / 8580 Replacement – Licensed version!

What is SIDKick Pico:

SIDKick Pico Commodore 64 and 128 (C64 / C128) MOS SID 6581 / 8580 ReplacementV0.2

The SIDKick pico (“SKpico”) is a drop-in replacement for the SID 6581/8580 sound chips in the Commodore 64 and 128 computers. It has been designed as an inexpensive alternative to other replacements while not making compromises regarding quality. It consists of a simple interface board and a Raspberry Pi Pico (or compatible clone). The emulation is based on an extended version of reSID 0.16, and includes a few additional features:

  • dual 6581 and/or 8580 emulation based on reSID 0.16 (optional: extension for digi-playing techniques)
  • 2nd-SID address at $d400, $d420, $d500, $d420 + $d500 simultaneously, $de00, $df00 (on C128 no $d500), or any address when an external chip select signal is used (e.g. on Ultimate 64 boards)
  • paddle/mouse support
  • built-in configuration menu (launch with “SYS 54301″/”SYS 54333”, also from C128-mode)
  • sound output via PWM (mono) through the C64/C128 mainboard, or in stereo with DAC version.

You can choose one from four different version of SIDKick Pico:

  1. SIDKick Pico PWM (mono) Assembled
  2. SIDKick Pico PWM (mono) Kit
  3. SIDKick Pico DAC (stereo) Assembled
  4. SIDKick Pico DAC (stereo) Kit

You can build it for yourself, more info you can find here:

SIDKick Pico is based on github project “SIDKick-pico” by Frntc.