Kung Fu Flash Cartridge for Commodore C64 / C128 – Assembled Kit

Kung Fu Flash Cartridge for Commodore C64 / C128  Firmware v1.48 – Assembled Kit (Combined PAL and NTSC firmware)

Kung Fu Flash can emulate different cartridge types, load PRG files and use D64 disk images. Just place your desired CRT, PRG or D64 files on a FAT formatted microSD card and use the built-in launcher to execute them.

Supported File Types

The following file types are currently supported:

  • Cartridge (CRT)
  • C64/C128 generic cartridge (ROM, BIN)
  • Disk image (D64, D71, D81)
  • Tape image (T64)
  • Program (PRG, P00)
  • Firmware update (UPD)
  • Text document (TXT, NFO, 1ST)

This item include:

Kung Fu Flash Cartridge for Commodore C64 / C128 , 16 GB – Micro SD Card, USB-C Cable, Jumpers & Buttons Kit

Kung Fu Flash Cartridge for Commodore C64 / C128 (Combined PAL and NTSC firmware)

Kung Fu Flash Cartridge for Commodore C64 / C128  Firmware v1.48

Kung Fu Flash can emulate different cartridge types, load PRG files and use D64 disk images. Just place your desired CRT, PRG or D64 files on a FAT formatted microSD card and use the built-in launcher to execute them.

Supported File Types

The following file types are currently supported:

  • Cartridge (CRT)
  • C64/C128 generic cartridge (ROM, BIN)
  • Disk image (D64, D71, D81)
  • Tape image (T64)
  • Program (PRG, P00)
  • Firmware update (UPD)
  • Text document (TXT, NFO, 1ST)